#37 Legalized Marijuana

Program #37 – January 9th 2011 – Legalizing Marijuana

 The program “Legalizing Marijuana” deals with the core philosophical difference between the Libertarian view of government where the guiding principle is personal freedom, and the Biblical view of government where the guiding principle is God’s moral law. It is the libertarian view of government that deceived many people into surrendering to legalizing drugs. God’s expectations for government are described in passages such as Romans 13. 2 Chr. 28:19, Judges 21:25; 2 Kings 17:8; Ex. 32:25; Pro. 20:26. Answers to various arguments for legalizing marijuana are discussed. There is a look at the benefits of prohibition. Other verses referenced include Isaiah 5:11, 22; 28:1-3; Revelation 9:21; and Hab. 2:15