#241 Who Will Deliver Us From Evil?
Abridged Radio Program
Program #241 “Who Will Deliver Us From Evil?” – 6/12/2016 – Synopsis
Program 241 is a reflection on some of the recent disturbing events in the news. And so we cry out, “Help, Lord, for the godly man ceases to be, for the faithful disappear from among the sons of men” (Psalm 12:1). We remember Jesus said lawlessness will increase in the last days (Matthew 24:12).
However, let’s remember that when we see these things we should not be surprised. This is the natural condition of fallen humanity. I give a brief refresher course in the doctrine of human depravity; and I then share how God’s people in the Old Testament lived under a predominant number of ungodly kings, and how the early church lived under extremely ungodly emperors. Evil is the default position in the City of Man.
I conclude with a very obvious, but often overlooked, point in Biblical apocalyptic prophecy: Deliverance will not come by us, but by the Lord’s supernatural intervention on our behalf. This is a truth that ought to be revived and reconsidered in these perilous times.
Scriptures Referenced: Psalm 12:1; Matthew 24:12; Proverbs 28:12; 1 Kings 14:24; 2 Chronicles 28:19; Isaiah 6:5; Jeremiah 9:2; Ezekiel 2:6; Psalms 121:2, 28:, 60:11-12; 2 Chronicles 32:7-8
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