Radio Program #424 – Israel & Daniel 9
December 7, 2019
Abridged Radio Program
This week’s program begins a two-part series on the prophecy concerning Israel’s future and the Messiah in Daniel 9. Daniel heard from God that there will be 490 years until God finishes his work with national Israel. This prophecy is very extensive and deep. Program 1 and 2 will be made into a single YouTube – #98.
Similar Programs on the Topic of Prophecy
- #297 The Lawless One 2 Thess. 2:8-9
- YouTube #17 The Mark of the Beast
- YouTube #98 – Israel and Daniel 9
- #545 (Video 209) - Russia & the Magog Prophecy Explained
- #322 Judgment Day, It is Still Coming
- 571 (Video 231) The Apocalypse is the Mission of God
- 684 - The Kingdom of Christ
- YouTube #48 The Trump Prophecy
- #506 - Seals, Trumpets & Bowls - Part 2
- 512 (Video 179) – Seal, Trumpet and Bowl Judgments – Pt 5